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Golden Checker 2025
Riga/LDF 2025-01-02/2025-01-05 Classic, 100, FMJD on Solkoff, T40 +5'' move Arbiter: Denijs Vilhelms Krauklis
Player's Card
 | SNo | 2 | FMJD ID | 26052 | |
Name | Suboča, Milana | Fed. | LAT | |
Birth year | 2012 | Sex | F. | |
FMJD Rating | 0 | Title | | |
FMJD BR Rat. | 0 | | | |
Average rating of rated opponents: | 1734 | Number of rated opponents: | 4 |
Total: | 8 | Score vs. rated opponents: | 4 |
Rank | 34 | TSolk | 38 |
Local rating | | | |